With the big chill making most of North Europe a frozen hell these past few weeks, I have been thinking about the perfect way to stay warm when its minus 20 outside and everything inside including keyboard and mouse feels cold. Two Japanese products come to mind, one I've tried and one I dream of.
懐炉 Kairo
These are small pouches filled with some sort of chemical . Shaking the pouch starts a chemical reaction and the pouch heats up. Then either stick inside clothes, if the back is adhesive, or stick in your pocket. For the past two winters a Japanese friend of mine has sent me these and they are brilliant. They stay warm for hours and make waiting for trains and buses bearable in artic conditions. I understand that in Japan they are quite cheap and easy to get, and am wondering why they are not available everywhere in Norway.
炬燵 Kotatsu
Next Christmas I am going to ask Santa to bring me a kotatsu. Or I could try and make one. A kotatsu is a low wooden table covered with a duvet type blanket. Underneath is a small electric heater. I have never tried one but I think it would be the perfect place to sit, drink warm tea and study Japanese. I'd probably end up living under it from November to March.
(image from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kotatsu-tastefulTN.jpg)
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